Friday, January 30, 2009

Gymnastics Gala

Mason wrapped up his session with the Wendy Hilliard Gymnastics Foundation last week with a gymnastics gala at Riverbank State Park. Dad-O and I were pretty excited to see the show, as the gymnastics class was of the drop-off variety, so we didn't know exactly what the Macey man had been learning behind closed doors for the past few months.

We watched the show front and center with Kellyn's family -- her mom, dad, grandma, aunt and cousin were all on hand to take in the scene.

Here are some shots and a little video for you to enjoy!

Mason and Kellyn are the third and second in line, respectively.

Getting ready for a somersault!

The landing

Waving goodbye to their adoring fans

And, still waving. Kellyn took center stage until one of the coaches came to pluck her off the center of the mat. We got a HUGE kick out of it!

The YouTube clip:

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Picture Perfect

Here's Mason's official 3-year-old photo shoot. He was quite the little charmer and seemed to love the attention showered on him by the ladies at Kiddie Kandids.