Thursday, March 27, 2008

Swiper no swiping, and other Easter tales

Our D.C. holiday swung on through Easter Sunday. We spent Saturday night with Melissa's mom in Bethesda, Maryland. After rising early to see what the Easter Bunny left (lots of candy and some cute plaid duds) we headed off to church. After mass we had brunch with the family, we send the boys out to hide eggs for Kellyn and Mason.

Good thing we planned for a small army of egg hunters...

We hid eggs in the apartment courtyard and once they were all (59 of them to be exact) hidden, Rob called us to bring the kids and their baskets down to do some searching.

Apparently we weren't the only ones who wanted to hunt Easter eggs. One of the neighbor boys, who we didn't know, decided to join the problem. A couple of problems: He was about 4x the age and size of our 2-year-olds, he didn't ask any permission and he didn't really play fair -- trying to snatch eggs the little ones dropped from their brackets, or taking hints from the adults and running to grab the eggs before the little ones could.

All told, I'm sure his little swiping routine bothered us adults far more than it bothered the kids, who had plenty of fun collecting and recollecting their eggs.

One last thought: Doesn't it look just a wee bit odd to see these cuties searching for eggs in their WINTER coats?

1 comment:

Shelli said...

Erm, good thing Dado planted about 60 eggs!

And good thing I wasn't there, I would have made that obnoxious kid PUT THEM BACK! ;)