Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Really Big Day

Sunday marked Mother's Day, Auntie Jenn's birthday and the day before our best friend Kellyn's birthday, which could only mean that we headed out to Brooklyn for a party in her honor.

First on the agenda: pony rides!

Birthday girl Kellyn got first dibs...

... but it wasn't long before Mason got his turn upon Chip, the little black pony. A video post will come later (trust me, Mommy was a little paparazzi-esque in capturing his first ride.)

As you can see, the helmet kept falling down over Mason's eyes. It didn't seem to bother him, as he was smiling from ear to ear for his whole ride.

Sisters Kaya and Fiona got a chance, too...

As did Hope -- aboard S'mores, who Mason comically was chiding to "cover your mouth" when the horse started coughing.

After lunch, we headed over to nearby Prospect Park and spread out a blanket for a picnic...

Followed by some playtime...

And some cake. The kids took some swipes at it, and turns frosting each other's noses. It was pretty funny!

After that, it was time to make the long trek back into Manhattan.

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