Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's a...

Boy? A girl? We don't know -- and don't plan to find out, so for now, we're referring to the little one affectionately as Baby Bean. Here are our favorite pics of the little one in action from our 18-week ultrasound yesterday.

Dad-O's Favorite

Mommy's Favorite

I'm feeling pretty good, though very tired! Like I said, I'm 18 weeks along, now. The baby is growing right on schedule and due to arrive in mid-August (August 15 is the official date, for those keeping score at home.)

Mason's pretty excited to be a big brother. He's sure it's a little sister (Papa agrees based on the second pic, where you can faintly see Bean's hand draped across his/her forehead in dramatic fashion.) Though, when we told the Doctor this yesterday, and she immediately asked Mason what Mommy had in her tummy, he said a baby brother -- go figure.


THE OLSONS said...

Cute ultrasound pics! Congratulations!!! It will be fun to be kept in suspense together!

Josephine said...

Congrats to all! I am excited for all of you. :)

Shelli said...

Mazal Tov!

DLo said...

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for the three of you! I can't wait to see what this lil one will turn out like -- super cute like Mas...